Note: You are viewing the new Next.js documentation. The old docs are still available here.


Next.js has a file-system based router built on the concept of pages.

When a file is added to the pages directory it's automatically available as a route.

The files inside the pages directory can be used to define most common patterns.

Index routes

The router will automatically route files named index to the root of the directory.

  • pages/index.js/
  • pages/blog/index.js/blog

Nested routes

The router supports nested files. If you create a nested folder structure files will be automatically routed in the same way still.

  • pages/blog/first-post.js/blog/first-post
  • pages/dashboard/settings/username.js/dashboard/settings/username

Dynamic route segments

To match a dynamic segment you can use the bracket syntax. This allows you to match named parameters.

  • pages/blog/[slug].js/blog/:slug (/blog/hello-world)
  • pages/[username]/settings.js/:username/settings (/foo/settings)
  • pages/post/[...all].js/post/* (/post/2020/id/title)

Linking between pages

The Next.js router allows you to do client-side route transitions between pages, similarly to a single-page application.

A React component called Link is provided to do this client-side route transition.

import Link from 'next/link'

function Home() {
  return (
        <Link href="/">
        <Link href="/about">
          <a>About Us</a>

export default Home

When linking to a route with dynamic path segments you have to provide href and as to make sure the router knows which JavaScript file to load.

  • href - The name of the page in the pages directory. For example /blog/[slug].
  • as - The url that will be shown in the browser. For example /blog/hello-world.
import Link from 'next/link'

function Home() {
  return (
        <Link href="/blog/[slug]" as="/blog/hello-world">
          <a>To Hello World Blog post</a>

export default Home

The as prop can also be generated dynamically. For example, to show a list of posts which have been passed to the page as a prop:

function Home({ posts }) {
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>
          <Link href="/blog/[slug]" as={`/blog/${post.slug}`}>

Injecting the router


To access the router object in a React component you can use useRouter or withRouter.

In general we recommend using useRouter.

Learn more

The router is divided in multiple parts: